How do we keep our potency as we age?

7 out of 10 men at the age of 40 experience periodic problems with potency. It is about both partial and total loss of erection, premature ejaculation, loss of sensitivity, inability to perform sexual intercourse.
Men's health is a pretty delicate topic. Every day, we have a number of queries about modern means of recovering potency.In this case, there are several ways to restore potency without addressing specialists, chemical preparations and operations.Most often after a few failure on the love front, men start taking VIAGRA and similar synthetic preparations. To really live and similar means provide a strong erection, but only for a short time and at the cost of your own health. In addition, after prolonged use, the man loses confidence in his own strength and can no longer do without the magic tablets.
To sum up, we want to turn once more to older men who have young wives and girlfriends. Do not let problems with potency! Remember that sex and intimate satisfaction are infinitely important for all women, especially young people. If you do not have sex regularly and qualitatively, your gentle mate will quickly grow cool with you and, most likely, find a real man! In fact, this can even lead to divorce or infidelity. 

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