How Does XtraSize Work?
The main goal of these male enlargement pills are to stimulate maximum blood flow to the penis chambers.
So, how does the penis anatomy works?
Well, when we men become sexual aroused, the body sends a sign to the brain, which releases a hormone for blood rushing to enter the penis tissues.
So, when the erectile chambers (Corpora Cavernosa) gets filled with maximum blood, a hard erection achieves, that’s if you’re not suffering from the erectile dysfunction issue or any other sexual condition.
Now by using these XtraSize pills for a period of time, the tissues should expand and allow more blood to enter the chambers, which penis should create bigger and thicker erections.
Yes, keep reading!
Ingredients At a Glance
XtraSize supplement claims to have a combination of the safest herbs that work effectively to enlarge the penis size, as they promote.
According to them, their “secret” is combining all natural and the highest quality ingredients in one complex.
So this formulation carries the compounds known from ancient years ago and they are Saw Palmetto, Tribulus Terrestris, Pana Ginseng, L-Arginine, Licorice Root, Sarsaparilla, Maca, Pumpkin Seed, and Stinging Nettle.
Meanwhile and at the bottom of the ingredient section, they mention to keep their “proprietary formula a secret for their protection from shady competitors“.
Yet, they probably mean that this XtraSize formula contains other active-components, but they don’t want to public it on the product’s official website for no companies to find out and copy their “secret“.
Ingredients In Focus
Since we know that this male supplement claims to add “XtraSize” by 30% on the penis, erections should reach fuller, stronger and bigger for more satisfaction in sexual intercourse.
The ingredients targets sexual function to increase sex drive and perform better, which gains self-confidence.
Each bottle comes with 60 pills and by simply taking one pill per day in a daily basis and a pill before sexual activity, the company claims by the 1st month, we as customer users should have already gained a full inch, but may take up to 3-6 months to actually reach 3″ inches in growth size.
According to XtraSize official website, since no prescription is required and no chemicals should be included in this herbal supplement, when users stop taking it, the results remain permanent, as they promote.
The Good:
Increases Erections SizeXtraSize-male-enlargement-pills-increase-penis-size-herbal-natural-safe-capsules-review-results-does-it-work-male-enhancement-add-3-inches-penis-size-becoming-alpha-male
Add Growth up to 3″ Inches
States to be Completely Safe
Enhances Penis for Thickness
Self-Esteem + Confidence Soars
Boosts up Sexual Performance
Offers to show a Results Form
Provided a Doctor Recommendation
Promotes All Natural Compounds
Testimonies are Written Logs
Increases Sex Drive for Better Function
Claims It’s “Clinically Proven” to Work
Well-Made Website – Available in Several Languages
They promote to carry a “Guarantee” to give Results
The Drawbacks:
There is no “money back” guarantee or any return policy provided at the official website. – Makes it Risky
The results chart they offered to show, fails to have a background of what form is this from. How many males participated in the test?
Since it’s a maximum “effective” formula, we as customer users would like to see the quantity of each compound.
As I mention before, this claiming-to-be “Dr.Aaron Gale“, does not mention from what does he practice or what’s his licensed professional background about?
XtraSize official website failed to public their company’s name, which we found at other resources somewhere else.
Other XtraSize webpages promotes that it’s product’s official website and they do share to have other ingredients, such as Muira Puama, Polypodium Vulgare, etc. – Little “sketchy”
Misleading and false claims : 3″ full inches in penis size being permanent, is just some hyped-up ads because no pills can do “miracles”, since they failed to provided more quality of their “clinically proven” product.
According to our sources, we found an article stating that their manufacturer “invented” this XtraSize formula in the year of 2000, but took them 12 years to actually introduce this product in the male enhancement market.
They also share that it’s made in the USA, but somehow this manufacturer is a Poland-based company.
As you now know, there is no real money back guarantee and for the shipping discreet packages?
In fact, we don’t even know because we was unable to find anything regarding their shipping process or any discreet payment.
My Closing Thoughts
From my personal experience with these type of enlargement pills, all they want is folks to grab an order and expect their penis to grow by “that much”.
To me, it’s just some other over-exaggerated claims, especially with the statement that after stop using the pills, it’s the “permanent” size.
However, since there really isn’t no difference from the other “get-bigger-pills” that I personally gave it a shot for over 3 years expecting to add growth size, but completely failed every time, I personally would not go for a product like this, especially with many red flags found.
Yes, a “doctor recommendation“, “clinically proven” structure, but no background of none of the forms for “real” evidence, and with no refund policy, is a definitely a big No-No.
Meanwhile, I won’t let you go without throwing you a hand to help you out because after a few years of just trying these type of “get-bigger-pills” and wasted my time, effort and money, one day I stumble upon the Penis Enlargement Bible.
Which, I actually found it an attractive option to restart the puberty stage all over again to cause the penis to grow.
Yes, I literally went for it and gave it a shot, why not?
All I know is that, I only believed to be the only way to enlarge penis size, was after I noticed my member here was getting much fuller and longer within the first 2 months.
After more than 2 months, I grabbed a ruler and boom, inches gained being 100% permanent.
“Get-Bigger-Pills” only gives you the size of bigger erections because a large supply of blood is flowing in the penis chambers, but when you stop taking it, erections won’t be as hard or as big. Trust me, I know !
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