What is Male Extra pills?
Male enhancement pillsMale Extra is a penis enhancement product that does a number of awesome things for your penis size and its performance. The product won the best penis pill product of the year in 2009 and it had an update in its formula in 2013 that has made the pills even more effective!
Male Extra benefits
The pills do three things for you that you will benefit from during the time you take them:
Longer and stronger penis – This is the main benefit and the one that most men are after!
Enhanced libido – Are you not up for sex every night? Most men lack libido when they enter their thirties and it only get worse by time!
Sexual health and performance – Get longer lasting erections and more control of your erection.
Why do I use it?
I don’t know what happened to my body when I turned 30 (in 2014) but I felt like I hit a brick wall with my sexual performance. I lost most of my libido and had a hard time getting a strong erection even if I was with a beautiful girl.
My self-esteem dropped to an all-time low after a few “failed” erections with a girl that left me because of that.
I’m normally not the kind of person that uses pills for anything – I try to stay as natural as possible. I did a lot of research and found that pomegranate was the answer to all my sexual performance issues and started to eat it each morning and it worked perfectly – my libido started to raise to a whole new level and sex was great again!
pomegranate ingredient
But there is one massive problem with fresh pomegranate and that is the preparation time! It is a f******g pain in the ass to clean and prepare them each morning. I found some nice tutorials on YouTube on how to clean them easier and faster – but it was still a boring and time consuming task to do each morning. So I went online and searched for pomegranate pills and boom MaleExtra came up!
I have used MaleExtra ever since and enjoy the benefit of pomegranate without the hassle of cleaning them!
How does Male Extra work?
The pomegranate and L-Ariginine (another ingredient in MaleExtra) increases the level of nitric oxide in your body which expands the blood vessels in the corpora cavenosa area of your penis. This results in a larger penis, stronger erections and more control over your erections.
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